Apr 19, 2021Ballet shoesI have a vague memory of trying on mom’s oversized ballet slippers when I was very little and attempting to go on my tippy toes, but officia
Mar 29, 2021The language of the soulFor those who don’t know much about ballet, the word ‘ballerina’ perhaps prompts an imagine of someone rising on the tip of their toes, spin
Jan 2, 2021The journeyI woke up Saturday morning feeling very optimistic. With my purse, mask, and alcohol gel in hands, I dashed into Covent Garden for one last
Nov 8, 2020Daily ritualsThere is such mystery surrounding a ballerina’s life and what lies behind-the-scenes of making the magic happen on stage. How many hours a
Sep 11, 2020'Survival mode'Survival mode is how I learned to describe that feeling of trying to get through my days in utter exhaustion, completely burned out. It all
Jul 15, 2020A means to an endA ballerina can be seen as many things: performer, entertainer, actress, athlete, dancer, mover. But first and foremost, ballerinas are
Jun 4, 2020The Balancing ActI always felt like I was leading two distinct lives: one of family, relationships, the outside world, and one of vocation, devotion, the bal
May 6, 2020The Inner Game The thing about ballet is that it is meant to look effortless. But what goes into making something look beautiful and effortless takes years
Apr 14, 2020Trust the road less travelled: my journey to the Royal BalletI began my ballet training at Ballet Marcia Lago, my mom’s school in Sao Paulo. When I was about eleven years old, I started to realise that